What We’re Reading

Dropping out:

Women, especially those in the age group most likely to have young children, are dropping out of the job market at the fastest pace since the height of the pandemic as many schools and child care centers remain closed.



Among students who planned to attend a four-year college, 71 percent of scholarship recipients graduated within six years. Only 63 percent of students who didn’t get a scholarship graduated. The gains were largest among nonwhite students, poor students and students whose parents had not attended college. All of that supports the arguments of free-college advocates.


Luck is a loaded word. Saying somebody got lucky takes away from everything else they did to deserve what they have. Saying someone is fortunate doesn’t encroach as much on their efforts. For example, “they’re fortunate to be where they are” still allows that person to take some credit while “they’re lucky to be where they are” makes it sound like they just won the lottery. Words, in this case, really matter.


For the first time since at least 1960, U.S. personal consumption expenditure on electricity was higher than it was on gasoline.

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Many New York City business owners who give up don’t even bother filing for bankruptcy, which can cost as much as $25,000, according to Leslie Berkoff, a longtime bankruptcy attorney. Owners just lock the doors and walk away.

“What’s the point of bankruptcy? Nobody’s going to chase you right now,” said Berkoff. “A lot of your vendors probably aren’t going to survive either.”

Have a good weekend, stay safe.